When it comes to wildlife crossings, does size matter?
New research shows the dimensions, effectiveness, and associated expert guidelines of wildlife overpasses around the world.
New research shows the dimensions, effectiveness, and associated expert guidelines of wildlife overpasses around the world.
One of Y2Y’s 2020 Sarah Baker Memorial Award recipients has uncovered how, and why there’s a lack of accountability and transparency regarding mine reclamation in caribou habitat in northeastern B.C. — and what can be done.
What are the opportunities and best practices for community-based planning in the Upper Columbia?
Knowing where grizzly bears are is the first step to reconnecting them and supporting connectivity.
New research from one of Y2Y’s 2020 Sarah Baker Memorial Fund recipients identifies places to protect in Tsay Keh Dene Nation Territory in northern B.C.
Which wildlife species have been caught on camera using crossings in the Yellowstone to Yukon region? You might be surprised!
Master’s student Stephanie Rockwood collaborated with authors of a recent paper on ecosystem service “hotspots” in Canada to learn more about them on the U.S. side of the Y2Y region.
Is the Y2Y vision of connectivity working?
Mateen Hessami, Y2Y’s 2019 Sarah Baker Memorial Award recipient, seeks to refine moose management in southeastern British Columbia to recover and conserve caribou and Indigenous culture.
Join us as we explore how different species rely on and survive in the snow, some of the challenges they are facing and how you can help.