News - Page 27 of 41 - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Researcher kneeling by caribou laying in snow in maternal pen

Giving B.C.’s caribou a fighting chance

Dr. Clayton Lamb received a two-year Liber Ero post-doctoral fellowship to work on the recovery of the Central Group of southern mountain caribou in B.C.’s Peace Region. Read more on how he will work closely with First Nations partners, Y2Y, Wildlife Infometrics, and government to support recovery efforts.

Caribou antler lying on green grass

Courage for mountain caribou

Read about how a caribou antler that once belonged to a caribou from an extirpated herd in B.C.’s Peace Region has become a symbol of hope and courage for mountain caribou’s future — and how you have helped bolster that courage.

Remote wildlife camera in Alberta

Eyes in the field

Learn about a safe and non-intrusive way Y2Y scientists and partners monitor and track the movements of animals of all sizes.