Safe highway crossings in the Bow Valley
Y2Y is advocating to the Alberta government for wildlife overpasses and fencing to help address wildlife-vehicle collisions in the Bow Valley east of Banff National Park.
Y2Y is advocating to the Alberta government for wildlife overpasses and fencing to help address wildlife-vehicle collisions in the Bow Valley east of Banff National Park.
Y2Y collaborates with partners to ensure that decisions on development, recreation and land-use planning prioritize the protection of the headwaters regions in Alberta. Alberta’s headwaters are one of the most…
Y2Y is working with its partners to protect 80 per cent of the Yukon’s Peel Watershed and secure this critical core habitat.
Y2Y aims to ensure that the astonishing landscapes and rich biodiversity of B.C.’s Hart ranges are part of our collective future.
Y2Y supports research to strengthen North America’s trans-boundary wolverine population, and is informing management policies to help them thrive.
Y2Y is working with its partners to promote wildlife overpasses and underpasses with fencing. These make Highway 3 safer for wildlife and people.
Y2Y is working to improve safety for people, and connectivity for wildlife , on Idaho’s highways and roadways.
As part of a trans-border network, Y2Y is working to recover grizzly bear populations in the vital Cabinet-Purcell mountain corridor.
Y2Y’s Candace Batycki comments on the state of B.C.’s caribou recovery.
Following its first-ever first-ever Montana Wildlife and Transportation Summit, the state commit to wildlife-vehicle collision reduction.