News - Page 26 of 40 - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Remote wildlife camera in Alberta

Eyes in the field

Learn about a safe and non-intrusive way Y2Y scientists and partners monitor and track the movements of animals of all sizes.

Seeing solutions for human-bear conflict in Yukon

The easier it is to understand where, why and how an interaction between a bear and human happened, the easier it can be to work towards solutions that reduce the frequency of these situations. See how one of our 2019 partner grantees is telling a visual story about these interactions.

Learning from a leader in conservation: Dr. Aerin Jacob

Today, in her role as Y2Y’s conservation scientist, Dr. Aerin Jacob works with other scientists, decision-makers, and communities across the Yellowstone to Yukon region and beyond. Her journey as a leader in science and conservation did, however, start long before her time with Y2Y.

Helping western toads cross roads

Keeping toads off roads

Imagine a tiny toad attempting to cross a highway — that story doesn’t end well. Fortunately we have partners such as Valhalla Wilderness Society to help address this very situation that unfolds twice a year in southeastern B.C. Learn more about how one of our 2019 partner grantees helped toads get across roads safely.