News Archives - Page 2 of 15 - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
A winter scene looking toward a double-barrel wildlife overpass crossing structure in Banff National Park with snowy, rocky mountains in the background

Global cause for connection

Wildlife crossing structures help an array of species get where they need to go safely. Learn more about a handful of the crossings that are out there, and how a growing number of crossing structures in the Yellowstone to Yukon region are a leading force in the global cause for connection.

A black bear attempts to access a trash can

How do communities in bear country minimize conflicts?

For many living in the Yellowstone to Yukon region the phrases ‘bear-safe’, ‘bear-smart’, ‘bear-wise’, and ‘wildlife-wise’ are familiar. But what does it mean to have a community coexist harmoniously and minimize conflicts with bears, especially grizzlies?