Establishing Wildlife Corridors & Habitat Protections in US & CA | Y2Y

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A wildlife overpass bridges Highway 1 in Banff National Park
Purple and green aurora borealis dance in the sky above Grand Teton National Park
Two people measure a large old growth tree
An aerial photo of a green landscape with a snaking river through it
A bird with black and orange feathers sits on a bullrush near water

go on forever

Slide 1: Banff National Park aerial wildlife crossing. Parks Canada/Allie BantingSlide 2: NPS / A. FalgoustSlide 5: An aerial view in Montana. Photo: EcoflightSlide 6: ©Harvey Locke Banff

a scale that nature demands

The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) drives conservation solutions at the scale that nature demands. We work to maintain natural connections for wildlife, for people and nature, communities and culture, for habitat and waterways.

From the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem all the way to Yukon Territory, we strive to connect and protect enough space for a wide range of species to roam, feed, and reproduce.

Yellowstone to Yukon regional map

the region

Spanning five American states, two Canadian provinces, two Canadian territories, and at least 75 Indigenous territories, the Yellowstone to Yukon region is unlike any other in the world. This incredible landscape of over half a million square miles — or 1.3M square kilometers — represents the most intact large mountain region in North America.

We know that keeping this vital region intact is the best way to tackle the loss of biodiversity and a changing climate. Y2Y’s work addresses the needs of the region’s wildlife and people, giving animals freedom to roam and protecting habitat for grizzly bears, caribou, wolves, and more.