Landscape Connection - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Spring into action for nature! Your gift helps connect and protect habitats so people and nature can thrive. Donate today.

landscape connection

We connect important habitats that are vital for wildlife. Animals need enough room to sustain a healthy population. Connection matters. We maintain and restore key corridors and improve wildlife movement across some of the busiest roads in the Yellowstone to Yukon region so animals can safely cross private land and busy roads to meet their needs.

More than 117 wildlife underpasses, overpasses, and fencing structures to aid animal crossing and safety are now in place across the Yellowstone to Yukon region

our impact


More than 177 wildlife underpasses, overpasses, and fencing structures to aid animal crossing and safety are now in place across the Yellowstone to Yukon region (as of January 31, 2025)


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Yellowstone to Yukon region
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Areas where multiple animal safety crossing systems have been built
As a united effort with willing landowners, we have conserved 2,000 km2 (500,000 acres) of private land in vital wildlife corridors, creating connections between protected areas. This vital connection has led to grizzly bears reappearing in regions of the United States where they have not been seen in more than a century

our impact


As a united effort with willing landowners, we have conserved 2,000 km² (500,000 acres) of private land in vital wildlife corridors, creating connections between protected areas. This crucial connection has led to grizzly bears reappearing in regions of the United States where they have not been seen in more than a century


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Yellowstone to Yukon region
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Conserved private land
With your help, we have decommissioned long stretches of road to restore natural habitats

our impact


With your help, we have decommissioned long stretches of road to restore natural habitats


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Yellowstone to Yukon region
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Restored natural habitat zones

together, we are:

ensuring safe wildlife passage

by making sure animals can get safely across roads, private lands, and unprotected public lands across the Yellowstone to Yukon region.

advancing voluntary private land conservation

by working with willing landowners to secure ecologically significant wildlife corridors on private lands.

strengthening conservation

through progressing policies, programs, and funding that strengthen and sustain the conservation of ecological corridors for the future.

featured success stories