It’s the time of year when bears are out of hibernation and more active, and more likely to be seen by people, all across the Yellowstone to Yukon region.
Grizzly bears are showing up in parts of Idaho and Montana where they haven’t been seen in decades. Whether you’re a homeowner, farmer, rancher, recreationist, hunter or public land user, it’s important to take steps to reduce the risk of conflicts with black and grizzly bears.
This year, Y2Y and Idaho Conservation League have teamed up to help landowners and recreationists prevent and safely resolve conflicts with bears by sharing some tips and important contact information for addressing conflicts with wildlife.
No matter where in bear country you live, you can keep yourself, your pets, and bears safe.
Living near bears: 6 tips for safety

If you have concerns, need help, or want more information, we encourage you to:
- Find and use bear-resistant products.
- Visit the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee website for a wealth of resources for recreationists, homeowners, ranchers, farmers, hunters, and public lands users.
- Contact a grizzly bear conflict specialist with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Idaho Fish and Game, or in your local area.
We hope these resources can help everyone have a safe and fun summer. Remember to be bear aware!
Thanks to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for their support with our bear aware projects in Idaho and Montana for the 2020 season.