Partners & Supporters - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

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Idaho mallard banding

partners & supporters

A mallard is released after being banded for a collaborating project between Idaho Fish and Game and Y2Y in Idaho. Image: Scott Rulander

Y2Y’s role is to provide the vision for a healthy Yellowstone to Yukon landscape, and to bring partners together to achieve as a network what none of us can accomplish alone. Everything Y2Y does, we do with our partners. Whether it is other conservation groups, local landowners, businesses, government agencies, Indigenous Peoples, scientists, or others, partners are the force behind the Yellowstone to Yukon vision. Together, we protect this landscape at the scale that nature demands.

I am keen to continue working with Y2Y to advance science and policy that safeguard wildlife and ecosystems for future generations.

Mateen Hessami, wildlife ecologist and Y2Y partner

our partners

Y2Y partners are defined as any individuals or groups that have, in the previous two years: received financial support from Y2Y; been contracted by Y2Y to undertake scientific research or other work; participated in the development or implementation of a collaborative conservation plan or project in one of our Priority Areas, or expressed support for the Yellowstone to Yukon vision and identified themselves publicly as a Y2Y partner.

Since 1993 we’ve worked with more than 700 partners, building a movement that unifies voices and people who support large-scale land conservation. Since 2023, we’re proud to have worked with the following partners:

Reciprocal Consulting Inc.

Ruby Habitat Foundation

Salazar Center for North American Conservation

Sawaya, Michael

Schepens, Gabe

Screaming Retriever Brewing Company

Seepanee Ecological Consulting

Selkirk Innovates

Shuswap Trail Alliance

Siksika Nation

Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition

Smith Fellows – Society for Conservation Biology

Society for Conservation Biology

Stacy Elaine Communications

Sticks & Stones

Stoney Tribal Administration

Teton Raptor Center

The Howl Experience

The Nature Conservancy of Montana

The Ursa Project

The Wild Connection

Theobald, Dave

Thomson, Jimmy

Town of Canmore

Training Resources for the Environmental Community

Trans-Border Grizzly Bear Project

Tree Canada

Trust for Public Land

UBC Sauder School of Business

Udall Foundation

United Nations International Year of Glacier Preservation (Canada)

United Nations Mountain Partnership

University of Alberta

University of California, Berkeley

University of Minnesota

University of Montana

University of Northern British Columbia

University of Pennsylviania

Upper Columbia Basin Environmental Collaborative

US Fish and Wildlife Service

US Forest Service – Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest

US Forest Service – Lolo National Forest

Vancouver Island University

Vital Ground

Wapiti Studios

Waterton Biosphere Reserve

West Moberly First Nations

Western Transportation Institute – Montana State University

Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies 

Wildlife Science Centre – Biodiversity Pathways


Wilp Gwininitxw

Wolverine Watch

Woodley, Dr. Stephen

Wyoming Wilderness Association

Yale University

foundation, corporate, and government supporters

Support from foundations, corporations, government agencies, and individuals is critical to Y2Y’s success. Without these gifts, our vision for a healthy and connected Yellowstone to Yukon region would be impossible to achieve. We’re proud of this support. Below is a list of donor-advised funds, individuals, family foundations, and corporate and grant funders who have gifted more than $1,000 in support of conservation goals in the U.S. and/or Canada in 2023:

The Alben F. Bates and Clara G. Bates Foundation

Alberta Ecotrust Foundation

Animal Welfare Institute

Anonymous donor advised fund at The Chicago Community Foundation

Anonymous donor at The Denver Foundation

Audain Foundation

Banff Canmore Foundation

Barb and John Taylor Legacy Fund held at and administered by Vancity Community Foundation

Barbara Goodman Manilow

BC Parks

Beagle Charitable Foundation

Bergmann and Filakosky Donor Advised Fund

Boje Family Fund at Calgary Foundation

Buckridge Family Foundation at the Montana Community Foundation

Bunting Family Foundation

Calgary Foundation

The Chawkers Foundation

Consecon Foundation

Cross Charitable Foundation

The Donald Slavik Family Foundation

The Donner Canadian Foundation

Eleanor and Fred Winston – The Longview Foundation

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Ernest J. Abele Fund of the Columbus Foundation

Evergreen Foundation

Fall Line Initiatives Fund at Calgary Foundation

Fanwood Foundation

Fondazione Capellino

The Franklin Philanthropic Foundation

Fredrick Prahl and Karen Skjei

Galvin Family Fund at Calgary Foundation

Gencon Foundation

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Government of Alberta Community Initiatives Program

Government of Canada Environmental Damages Fund

Greg Cote and Nancy Rourke

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation

Harvey Locke Conservation Inc.

Head and Heart Foundation

The Henry and Susan Rose Family Fund

Holdfast Collective

House Family Foundation

Jeff and Jacqueline Miller

Joe Albright and Marcia Kunstel Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole

John A. Mills and Susan K. Mills Charitable Fund

Ken and Kim Johnson

The Kendeda Fund

Kirsten Anderson & David Keith

The Laura L. Tiberti Charitable Foundation

Leavy-Galvin-Knight Family

Lee & LeQuelenec Family Foundation

Liz Claiborne & Art Ortenberg Foundation

Louis F. Weyand nd Florence H. Weyand Charitable Foundation at US Bank

M. Piuze Foundation

Mactaggart Third Fund

MakeWay Foundation – Renewal Funds Charitable Giving Fund

Marcescent Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona

Marshall and Susan Mortenson

Mary and Charles Sethness Charitable Foundation

Max Bell Foundation

Michael Olshavsky

Mind on Development

Missy Mayfield, Spotted Mutt Fund

The Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas


Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keiser Donor Advised Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation

The Otis Booth Foundation

Palmer Family Foundation

Parks Canada Agency

Peter H. Bachman and Janet Rice Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

Pumpkin Hill Foundation

Ravenswood Charitable Foundation

RBC Foundation

Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia

Rebecca Patton and Tom Goodrich

Robert and Michele Keith

Ruby Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation

SB Foundation

Screaming Retriever Brewing Company

The Sitka Foundation

Stephanie and Andrew Towell

Valhalla Mountain Touring Ltd.

Vancouver Foundation

The Volgenau Foundation

Volker Stevin Contracting Ltd.

Walton Family Foundation

Weeden Foundation

Weston Family Foundation

Wilburforce Foundation

Winkler Family Foundation

Woodcock Foundation

Xanterra Travel Connection

A grizzly bear sow walks in a field in Grand Teton National Park
A grizzly bear sow walks in a field in Grand Teton National Park. NPS/Adams

stronger together

Join Y2Y in preserving this extraordinary region for future generations. Be part of our partner grant program!