Take the Confidential Y2Y Legacy Pledge - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Give nature a boost. Donate today and do twice the good during Y2Y’s September Match.

take the confidential
Y2Y legacy pledge

First thank you for your passion for nature and wildlife and for committing to act on its behalf. Making a gift to nature through a bequest is a personal decision and we are honored that Yellowstone to Yukon is part of your vision.

It is important for you to know that this pledge is not legally binding — it is simply a statement of your present intentions. In order for your legacy gift to Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative to take effect, you must make a will or make changes to your existing will, known as a codicil. You are free to change your will at any time.

Letting us know that you intend to leave a legacy to Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative can help us plan for future work and keep you up-to-date with any relevant changes or opportunities. Furthermore, it helps us understand the intention behind your gift so that we can ensure that your legacy is lived out as you envisioned.

Any information you choose to share with us about your legacy or personal situation will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Thank you for considering a legacy gift to Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative.