Your donor-advised fund (DAF) donation can help Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative connect and protect this incredible mountain region.
Donor-advised funds (often called DAFs) are similar to a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting charities. Individuals can contribute cash, stocks, or other assets into the DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction. Those funds are then invested for tax-free growth and the individual can recommend donations to charities of their choice over time.
Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle because they are the easiest, and most tax-savvy way to give to organizations like Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y). Are you interested in contributing to Y2Y through your DAF?
Supporting the Yellowstone to Yukon mission
The Yellowstone to Yukon region is vast, but our impact is profoundly personal.
DAFs help to ensure Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative can keep this the wildest mountain region on the planet for years to come. Giving in this way is one way to provide Y2Y with a secure and reliable means of funding this essential work, meaning we can maintain our focus on pursuing this big, bold vision.

How to make your gift
To make a donor-advised fund gift to Y2Y, please contact the host organization of your DAF and nominate Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative as a grantee.
In the United States, the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, IRS #81-0535303.
United States office address:
P.O. Box 157
Bozeman, MT, 59771-0157
In Canada, the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Foundation is a registered 149(1)(f) charity, #86430 1841 RR0001.
Canada office (main) address:
200-1350 Railway Ave
Canmore, Alberta, T1W 1P6
If your DAF is hosted by Fidelity Charitable, Scwhab Charitable or BNY Mellon, consider making your gift using DAF Direct.