Supporter spotlight: Cycling the Rockies with VBT - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

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Supporter spotlight: Cycling the Rockies with VBT

People biking in the mountains. Shutterstock photo.

Connecting to nature in the Yellowstone to Yukon region on two wheels

Y2Y is a long-time partner of VBT, a Vermont-based tour company providing guided bicycling vacations in Canada, the United States, Europe and beyond.

Their tours include a biking experience through Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and in 2024, they have more than 20 trips planned!

For around 10 years, VBT has donated a portion of their profits to Y2Y to help large-landscape conservation in an area they operate.

Y2Y has been presenting to VBT’s biking tour groups as they pass through Banff for more than seven years. It’s a great way to kick off the tour, share more about the wildlife habitats that they will soon visit and orient the guests to the magnificent place they are about to experience.

Recently, Y2Y’s donor relations specialist, Robin Forsyth, spoke with VBT guide, Dori Ross, who is from Montréal, Québec.

Here’s what Dori shared with us:

“My favourite part about guiding in the Yellowstone to Yukon region is being in nature. This is such a beautiful part of Canada — the mountains, the valleys, everything that nature offers — and the wildlife is part of that.

I think it’s important that our guests learn about the Yellowstone to Yukon region and what’s at risk. At one time, Europe had bears and other wildlife in the landscape. If we don’t do the right thing today, there could be other generations saying the same thing about this region.

“Y2Y is doing the work to connect and protect this region; and I think anyone who is in this region should be aware of your efforts. It’s our hope that demonstrating the significance of these landscapes to our clients speaks for itself.”

The partnership between Y2Y and VBT is important because it demonstrates a common understanding and belief that we need to do something.

Y2Y is doing the work to connect and protect this region; and I think anyone who is in this region should be aware of your efforts. It’s our hope that demonstrating the significance of these landscapes to our clients speaks for itself.”

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